Friday, December 09, 2005

7 AM December New England

It's the most wonderful time of the year. Well second most. Really third or fourth most. The baseball winter meetings ended yesterday. While the world, the northern hemisphere, is getting colder, talks have taken place about the boys of summer. The trades that take place during this vital week are enough to get me pumped and salivating that baseball season could be around the corner. Ok, it's a long, cold, snowy corner, but who cares?

S'muffin? While out walking around town, I saw a mix in a local shop for s'muffins. (All the shops in town, because we are a tourist town, sell a variety of edibles with their regular wares.) S'muffins are the cross between scones and muffins. Why you may ask, I certaintly did, would we want as the package put it "a scone that tastes like a muffin"? Are we really in that dire need of new ideas? Shaking my head in laughter.

The first real snow in Mass. this year is falling now. I just got in from moving my car to a Municipal Lot for the Snow Emergency that is coming. Snow Emergency simply means, "park your car off the road so the road can be plowed."

Where I came from, Atlanta, snow emergency means, "The sky is falling! The sky is falling! Big flakes come down from the sky with ice and we must take everything out of the grocery store so that we can wait out the 8 hours it will take for the ice to melt." Here you can still catch the 8:00 pm show while the N'oreaster dumps 20-36 inches of the white stuff over two days. To be fair New England has plows and Atlanta does not. New England gets snow and Atlanta gets ice.

The friend asked me if winter was tough for me. I told her that four degrees is tough because I walk around with my shoulders hunched all the time which makes my neck hurt, but the snow is ok especially first thing in the morning.

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