Thursday, June 08, 2006

Sun (Poetry Thursday)

In honor of the endless rain ....

Sun calling my name
Shine on me
Light my mind with clarity

Sun holding onto me
Firing up in the embrace
Melting down, I feel whole

Sun bring me out from these hazy shadows
Glare down on the fear that follows me in my image
Vanquished I come out to play

Sun pour in me and I pour to you
We are one
Bright and radiant as all the rest




January said...

Very nice poem, with a great ending.

I almost posted a poem in honor of the rain, but it's just not quite there yet.

Rain, rain--go away!

tiff said...


little sister :) said...

for tomorrow may rain so i'll follow the sun

i want to sit in the sun with you, i'll bring the sunblock for our fair skin and we can listen to beatles songs all afternoon...
what a happy time it will be.