Thursday, June 29, 2006

Here and There (Poetry Thursday)

I've been around the world
Differences between there and here

The coffee is stronger
The food more flavorful
History a touch deeper

Upon coming home
No Joyous relief so Profound
Has been known as
Sinking, delicately, deliciously
Into my Pillow

Home, a place I have made for myself
A place where
Time, energy, and care
Make it my own

Life may seem a little more Colorful There
Here, A little more diluted
Richer for being there
Feel nothing so deep than the Plushness
Of Here

People there
As Different as here
Masks of Politeness; Gallic Shrugs
Political Demeanors and Friendly smiles
Candid teasing
Connecting the memories between There and Here

Treasuring certain moments
On very rare occasions
Witnessed landmarks the world knows
Yet are precious to me
For I have seen them

These recollections are pulled out: Sacred
Because I am here and not there
Not taking for granted such sights and people
Because not having seen them for a time
Here and there
I cherish Here


Deb R said...

What a wonderful way to describe this sensation - the feelings of here and there.

Hyperion said...

"Gallic shrugs."

Now THAT'S a sweet phrase. I'll have to use it (giving you massive credit, of course)

liz elayne lamoreux said...


recollections as sacred. yes. yes.
and the end thought to cherish here.

January said...

Great poem. Reminds me a bit of Elizabeth Bishop's "Questions of Travel." Thanks for sharing your work.

Anonymous said...

I like this poem a lot, very nicely done.

Dani In NC said...

This poem makes me think of my sister who lives in Peru. There are many customs that she finds superior to ours, but she still misses home.